Department News

Below are news items from various sources about members of Integrative Biology and their research.
Title Posted Date
Anand Varma, IB BA 2008, starts National Geographic WonderLab 09/29/2023
Tseng Receives Tenure 09/21/2023
Job Opening: Emerging Zoonoses Assistant Professor 08/31/2023
Job Opening: Assistant Professor, Comparative Biomechanics 08/22/2023
Teaching Fundamentals of Evolution 06/27/2023
The Bay Area's Redwood Trees Are Struggling 06/27/2023
Why do mammals have a stiff lower jaw? 06/26/2023
Hummingbirds are alcohol sippers, not bingers 06/22/2023
In Memory: James Valentine, Emeritus Professor of Integrative Biology 05/12/2023
tyrone B. hayes elected to the National Academy of Sciences 05/03/2023
New Findings: Climate Change 04/28/2023
Congratulations, José Pablo Vázquez-Medina! 04/18/2023
Newts take the stage during annual mating ritual at UC Botanical Garden 04/05/2023
Beery Receives Tenure 03/29/2023
Losing track of (geologic) time at the UC Museum of Paleontology 03/10/2023
We met the challenge! Big Give March 9 03/07/2023
Climate change, urbanization drive major declines in L.A.’s birds 03/01/2023
Welcome, Lou! UC Berkeley’s new male falcon gets a name 02/22/2023
With rapidly increasing heat and drought, can plants adapt? 01/31/2023
Speciesism in Biology and Culture: How Human Exceptionalism is Pushing Planetary Boundaries 12/21/2022
Exploring Life at All Levels: Integrative Biology at UC Berkeley 09/27/2022
Peter H Sudmant Joins the 2022 Vallee Scholars! 09/19/2022
Two New Job Postings for IB! 09/08/2022
Congratulations to all our recent graduates! 09/07/2022
inclusiveBio Symposium 08/26/2022
Machine translation could make English-only science accessible to all 08/16/2022
Un Vistazo al Laboratorio! 08/03/2022
IB Spring Newsletter 2022 07/01/2022
Congratulations to IB Professor Rasmus Nielsen, who has been elected to the National Academy of Sciences.  05/13/2022
Congratulations to Carl J. Rothfels, one of this years recipients of the Distinguished Graduate Student Mentoring Award 04/11/2022