DeCal Through IB & MCB

Integrative Biology & Molecular and Cell Biology 

"The DeCal program (or just DeCal) is an aggregate of student-run courses at the University of California, Berkeley -- here, students create and facilitate their own classes on a variety of subjects, may of which are not addressed in the traditional curriculum." -- DeCal Board

Department Deadlines

Fall 2024: Monday, April 22nd, 2024, by 4 pm

Spring 2025: Monday, October 15, 2024, by 4 pm

Each semester, the MCB and IB departments sponsor several DeCal courses facilitated by UC Berkeley students. If you have an idea for a course that is relevant to the majors (in terms of subject matter taught), please follow the steps below to get started.

MCB/IB DeCal Rules

  • In order to facilitate an MCB or an IB-sponsored DeCal, you must be in good academic standing and have attended Berkeley for at least four semesters, or one semester if a junior transfer. Good academic standing: overall GPA of 2.0 for non-majors and overall major GPA of 2.0 for MCB/IB majors.

  • At least one of the facilitators must be a declared student in the sponsoring department. Each IB DeCal can have a maximum of three facilitators. The MCB is limiting the number of facilitators to two.

  • All facilitators must complete a UCFTR training by the department deadline. Facilitators are required to complete a training once.

  • The content of the course must be within the scope of the academic program.

  • The course must be open to all students for enrollment.

  • The course cannot require advocacy, fundraising, or publicity for student organizations.

  • The course cannot discriminate against those students who choose not to optionally participate in the student organization's activities.

Application Process

  1. Download and fill out the required documents below.

  2. Find a faculty sponsor associated with the host department (IB or MCB) and take the materials to him/her for approval.

  3. Email the completed forms to for departmental review. Administrative staff will follow up with you if there are any issues with the submitted proposal.

  4. Sign up for student facilitator training or workshops through UCFTR. This is a one time requirement that must be completed by the department decal submission deadline. Please be aware that trainings fill up quickly so make an appointment with the SLC as soon as possible. 

  5. The department will

  • obtain the Department Chair's signature,

  • acquire a room for the DeCal, and

  • submit a paper copy of your proposal to Committee on Courses of Instruction (COCI).

Required Documents

  1. Course Proposal Form for Student-Facilitated Courses: Review the documents to be sure that you are aware of the university regulations and policies and prepare your course materials.

  2. Course syllabus

  3. IB Supplemental Application/ MCB Supplemental Application

  4. Faculty Sponsor Letter of Support: This is a new COCI requirement, effective Spring 2018. The letter must address the questions proposed in Faculty Sponsor Letter of Support Instructions.

  5. Affiliate Form: You will receive a DocuSign after the DeCal application is submitted. In addition to mandatory onboarding, Human Resources requires all facilitators to complete this form.