
Please also see Graduate Division Requirements for information on withdrawals, Filing Fee, etc.


Registration Information

You must register each semester before the end of the third week of classes. There are several serious consequences to neglecting this deadline.

To register as a student at Berkeley:

  1. you must pay any fees that are due from previous semesters - either in full or at least 20% of the full amount
  2. you must enroll in at least one course (although all students should make sure they are enrolled full time by the add/drop deadline)


Enroll via CalCentral

Enroll in classes using CalCentral. There is an adjustment period from mid-August to mid-September during which you may add or drop classes, or enroll for the first time if you missed the earlier opportunity.

Availability of enrollment via CalCentral ends in mid-September for Fall and mid-February for Spring semester.


Graduate Petition to Change Class Schedule: Due before the last day of class

To make changes to your course schedule after the third week of class (add, drop, change variable unit, change grading option) complete and submit a Graduate Petition to Change Class Schedule Form to the IB Graduate Student Affairs Officer. Obtain the instructor's signature if you are adding or changing units in a variable unit course. It is NOT necessary to secure the Head Graduate Advisor's signature. Graduate Petition to Change Class Schedule Form.

Graduate students may add or drop classes up to the last day of classes. Please note, this is not the same as the last day of the semester -- you may only make changes up to the last day of instruction. Please check the Academic Calendar on the Office of the Registrar's Website to make sure you don't miss the deadline. Please make sure that if you're dropping courses, if you want to stay enrolled in the semester, you must always be enrolled in at least 12 units.

Related Links and Resources