Undergraduate Learning Mentor (ULM) Program
IB is offering two new courses, IB 193 and IB 192, intended to provide undergraduates with teaching experience in biology. IB 193 focuses on relevant pedagogy, including working with students with different learning styles and creating more inclusive classrooms, and IB 192 is intended to be a practicum that allows undergraduates to put ideas learned in 193 into practice in upper division lab courses that they have already completed. Students will have the opportunity to be Undergraduate Learning Mentors (ULM) in IB courses.
The ULM experience consists of two components:
- Students enroll in IB 192 (2-3 units, P/NP) to receive credit for the time that they spend in the classroom, assisting with the labs.
- Additionally, the first time that students serve as a ULM, they enroll in IB 193 (1 unit, P/NP), a seminar on pedagogy in biology.
Please note that not at all IB lab and field lab courses will be accepting ULMs, and we are still working to gather this information from faculty teaching in the coming semester. We have listed the courses that we know of so far, but you may also list a course you are interested in and we will follow up to let you know if ULMs will be considered for it.
To apply, fill out the short application here: https://forms.gle/ynH3BZ7dg8kkL9Np7
If you have questions about the program, please contact Dr. Jules Winters (jwinters@berkeley.edu), the coordinator for IB 192 and IB 193.
- IB students may earn academic credit to tutor in local schools.
- Tutoring for IB courses: The department seldom hires undergraduate tutors for IB courses, but interested students should refer our Tutoring Resources page for opportunities and timelines.