
Assistant Professor Daniel Okamoto will co-lead a new center to advance use of seaweed in the global economy. The International Bioeconomy Macroalgae Center (IBMC) at UC Berkeley, will address the need for foundational knowledge, technological approaches, supply chain designs, policy frameworks, community engagement, and educational materials for businesses and consumers to build sustainable macroalgal-based bioeconomies. Read the full article here

Insect attracting nematode with static, credit Victor Ortega Jiménez

Assistant Professor Víctor Ortega Jiménez and his research on Electrostatic Ecology is featured in a fascinating article about how insects use static electricity for many purposes such catching prey and collecting pollen.   Read the Full Article 

An X-ray reconstruction of a 32-million-year-old fossil kelp holdfast
Professor Cindy Looy's research reveals that the Pacific Coast’s kelp forests, rich ecosystems supporting diverse marine life, originated over 32 million years ago, much earlier than previously believed. Read more in this article linked here.