John L. and Margaret B. Gompertz Chair
Email: mcguirej@berkeley.edu
Phone: (510) 316-6201
Lab Webpage: http://mcguire.berkeley.edu/
Research Description
As an Integrative Biologist, my research seeks to connect four fundamental aspects of the evolution of organismal diversity: (1) lineage diversification, (2) historical biogeography, and the influence of (3) morphological and (4) molecular evolution on organismal performance. Although there are a number of approaches that one may utilize in order to gain insight into these processes, my research program is firmly rooted in phylogenetic systematics with a more recent foray into population genetics. Because phylogenetics underpins so much of my research, I have a fifth area of interest - the theory and practice of phylogenetic systematics. Thus, I would describe myself as a phylogenetic systematist with expertise in molecular genetics, phylogenetic comparative methods, and theoretical aspects of phylogenetic analysis, with a strong and growing interest in molecular population genetics.
Two major projects underway in my lab right now include (1) an analysis of the historical biogeography of Sulawesi frogs, lizards, and monkeys based on phylogenetic and coalescent-based population genetic analyses of multilocus sequence data, and (2) a study investigating the molecular evolution of hummingbird globin genes and their relationship with respiratory physiological performance across altitudinal gradients.
Much of my research is dependent upon fieldwork and I maintain an active field program in Southeast Asia. The herpetofauna of Southeast Asia is among the least known and most endangered on the planet and I plan to direct most of my field efforts toward this region for the foreseeable future. Although students with interests close to my own (both conceptually and geographically) are welcome in my lab, I encourage my students to develop independent research programs.
Selected Publications
McGuire, J. A., C. W. Linkem, M. Koo, D. W. Hutchison, A. K. Lappin, D. O. Orange, J. Lemos-Espinal, B. R. Riddle, and J. Jaeger. 2007. Mitochondrial introgression and incomplete lineage sorting through space and time: Phylogenetics of crotaphytid lizards. Evolution 61: In Press.
McGuire, J. A., C. C. Witt, D. L. Altshuler, and J. V. Remsen, Jr. 2007. Phylogenetic systematics and biogeography of hummingbirds: Bayesian and maximum likelihood analyses of partitioned data and selection of an appropriate partitioning strategy. Systematic Biology 56:837-856.
Brandley, M. C., A. D. Leaché, D. L. Warren, and J. A. McGuire. 2006. Are unequal clade priors problematic for Bayesian phylogenetics? Systematic Biology 55:138-146.
McGuire, J. A., and R. Dudley. 2005. The cost of living large: Comparative gliding performance in flying lizards (Draco). American Naturalist 166:93-106.
Altshuler, D. L., R. Dudley, and J. A. McGuire. 2004. Resolution of a paradox: Hummingbird flight at high elevations does not come without a cost. PNAS 101:17731-736.