Professor of the Graduate School
Email: jlipps@berkeley.edu
Research Description
My research concerns the evolutionary biology and ecology of marine organisms, protists in particular. Mostly, these are field-oriented projects utilizing scuba and geologic work.
Biology: Presently, I study the biology and molecular phylogeny of coral reef (Papua New Guinea, Enewetak Atoll, French Polynesia) and Pacific Rim foraminifera with the aim of better understanding the fossil record of these forms. Foraminifera are used in environmental and seismic history analyses of marshes on the Pac Rim.
Paleobiology: Paleobiologic projects include the evolution of the earliest shelled protists in the Precambrian and Cambrian and metazoan origins and early evolution, as well as their Cambrian radiation. The biologic constraints on mass extinctions and radiations are studied as well.
Astrobiology: I study the habitats and taphonomy of possible life on Jupiter's Icy Moons, Europa in particular. We aim to identify likely sites for exploring for life from orbit or with landers on future space missions. At Mars, we compare Earth and Mars history to understand where life might reside on that planet.
See www. ucmp.berkeley.edu/people/jlipps for further information and a complete list of publications.
Selected Publications
J. H. Lipps. 2006. Major Features of Protistan Evolution: Controversies, Problems and a Few Answers. Anuário do Instituto de Geociências – UFRJ, 29: 55-80.
Hayward, B. W., Grenfell, H. R., Sabaa, A. T., Carter, R., Cochran, U., Lipps, J. H., Shane, P. A. R., and Morley, M. S., 2006. Micropaleontological evidence of large earthquakes in the past 7200 years in southern Hawke's Bay, New Zealand.: Quaternary Science Reviews. 25:1186-1207.
Langer, M. R., and Lipps, J. H. 2006. Assembly and persistence of foraminifera in introduced mangroves on Moorea, French Polynesia. Micropaleontology 52: 343-355.
Hayward, B.W., G.H. Scott, H.R. Grenfell, R. Carter, and J.H. Lipps 2004. Estimation of tidal elevation and salinity histories of sheltered harbours and estuaries using foraminifera. The Holocene 14 (2):218-232.
Schulze-Makuch1, D., Irwin, L. N., Lipps, J. H., LeMone, D., Dohm5, J. M., and Fairén, A. G. 2005. Scenarios for the Evolution of Life on Mars. Journal of Geophysical Research—Planets, 110, E12S23, doi:10.1029/2005JE002430.
Lipps, Jere H., and Rieboldt, Sarah. 2005. Habitats and taphonomy of life on Europa. Icarus. 177: 515-527.
Hawkes, A., Scott, D. B., and Lipps, Jere H. 2005. Evidence of Possible Precursor Events for Mega-thrust Earthquakes on the West Coast of North America. Geological Society of America Bulletin 117: 996-1008.
Lipps, Jere H., and Valentine, J. W. 2004. Late Neoproterozoic Metazoa: Weird, wonderful and ghostly. Paleontological Soc. Papers 10: 51-66.
Medina1, M., AG. Collins, J. Taylor, J.W. Valentine, J.H. Lipps, L. Amaral-Zettler, and M.L. Sogin. 2003. Phylogeny of Opisthokonta and the evolution of multicellularity and complexity in fungi and metazoa. Intnl Jour Astrobiology 2:203-211.
Langer, M.R. and J.H. Lipps. 2003. The distribution and diversity of foraminifera in the Madang Reef and Lagoon, Papua New Guinea. Coral Reefs 22:143-154.
Culver, S. J., and J.H. Lipps. 2003. Predation on and by foraminifera. In Predator-Prey Interactions in the Fossil Record, p. 7-32. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
Lipps, J.H., and S.J. Culver. 2002. The trophic role of marine microorganisms through time. Paleont. Soc. Papers 8:69-92.
Collins, A., J.H. Lipps, and J.W. Valentine. 2000. Modern mucociliary creeping trails and the bodyplans of Neoproterozoic trace-makers.Paleobiology 26(1):47-55.
Langer, M.R., M.T. Silk, and J.H. Lipps. 1997. Global ocean carbonate and carbon dioxide production: The role of reef foraminifera. J. Foraminiferal Res. 27:271-277.
Langer, M.R., and J.H. Lipps. 1995. Phylogenetic incongruence between dinoflagellate endosymbionts (Symbiodinium) and their host foraminifera (Sorites): Small-subunit ribosomal RNA gene sequence evidence. Mar. Micropaleontol. 26:179-186.