Upper Division Electives List Explained:
UP TO TWO Upper Division courses from other departments may be taken as electives by IB majors, toward the minimum upper division requirements of 24 units (toward 26 unit upper div minimum for those using "Old" IB Curriculum). Electives are still subjected to overlap restrictions: one upper-division course total between IB and a minor, two upper-division courses total between IB and another major.
- The courses listed below have been approved by the IB faculty, and may be taken as electives without further approval from an IB Faculty Advisor.
- Students interested in other courses for use as IB Electives shall first bring a course syllabus to the IB Undergraduate Student Services Office, and can then seek approval from a Faculty Advisor.
- This list of pre-approved electives will be expanded over time as the IB Faculty are able to review additional syllabi for courses of interest to our undergraduates.
- The approval of these courses indicates that they offer content relevant for IB majors, but does not constitute a specific recommendation.
- Students are responsible for determining that they have adequate prerequisites and background when enrolling in courses in other departments. If used for the major as an elective, such courses MUST be completed on a letter-graded basis.
- The courses on this list may NOT be taken to satisfy Requirement Groups A, B, or C, or the IB lab requirement.
- BioE 102, Biomechanics, 4 units (f)
- BioE 110, Biomedical Physiology for Engineers, 4 units (sp)
- BioE C119/ME C176, Orthopedic Biomechanics, 4 units (f)
- Chem 135, Chemical Biology, 3 units (f)
Environmental Science, Policy and Management
- ESPM 111, Ecosystem Ecology, 4 units (sp)
- ESPM 114, Wildlife Ecology, 3 units (sp)
- ESPM 132, Spider Biology, 4 units (f)
- ESPM 144, Insect Physiology, 3 units (sp)
- ESPM 173, Introduction to Analysis of Ecological Data, 3 units (f)
- ESPM 174, Design and Analysis of Ecological Research, 4 units (last offered spring 2017) (Advanced course)
Integrative Biology
- IB C105/ESPM C105, Natural History Museums and Biodiversity Science, 3 units (f)
- IB C109/PMB C109, Evolution and Ecology of Development, 3 units (f: even years)
- IB C166/ESPM C125/GEOG C148, Biogeography, 4 units (f)
- IB C200/ESPM C200, Principles of Phylogenetics, 4 units (sp, even)
- IB 206, Statistical Phylogenetics, 3 units (f, even)
- IB C216/ESPM C216, Freshwater Ecology, 3 units (last offered spring 15)
- IB C227/ESPM C220/EPS C241, Stable Isotope Ecology, 5 units (sp, odd)
Letters & Science
- L&S 121, Origins in Science & Religion, 4 units (sp: offered irregularly) (Big Ideas Course)
Molecular & Cell Biology
- MCB C100A/Chem C130, Biophysical Chemistry, 4 units (f, sp)
- MCB 102, Survey of Biochemistry, 4 units (f, sp, su)
- MCB 104, Genetics, Genomics, and Cell Biology, 4 units (f,sp)
- MCB C112/PMB C112, General Microbiology, 4 units (f, su)
- MCB 135A, Molecular Endocrinology, 3 units (f)
- MCB 136, Physiology, 4 units (f) (Note: students who take IB 132 cannot also receive credit toward the major for MCB 136.)
- MCB 140, General Genetics, 4 units (f, sp)
- MCB 150, Molecular Immunology, 4 units (f, sp)
- Psych 110, Biological Psychology, 3 units (f, sp)*
- Psych 121, Animal Cognition, 3 units (last offered fall 16)
*Psych 110 is an impacted course, please have a back-up.
Public Health
- PH 141, Probability and Statistics in Biology and Public Health, 5 units (last offered summer 17)
- PH 142, Introduction to Probability and Statistics, 4 units (f, sp, su)
- PH 162A, Public Health Microbiology, 4 units (f, su)
- Stats 131A, Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Life Scientists, 4 units (f,sp)