Integrative Biology C126 Hormones and Behavior
Notes: Course number changed to Psych C116 / NEU C126
Description: This course provides a comprehensive overview of behavioral endocrinology beginning with hormone production and actions on
target tissues/circuits and continuing with an exploration of a variety of behaviors and their regulation/consequences. The course also examines the reciprocal interactions between the neuroendocrine system and behavior, considering the impact of hormones on development and adult behavior, and how behavior regulates physiology. Although non-human vertebrate species will be the primary focus, the relevance of these topics to humans will also be explored. Topics include sexual differentiation and sex differences in behavior, reproductive, parental, and aggressive behavior, biological rhythms, and homeostatic regulation.
Prerequisites: Completion of biological prerequisites for the major and consent of instructor; a course in mammalian physiology recommended.
Cross Listed Course: Psych C116
Expected Enrollment: 142